Lighting & Lighting Controls | Fromm

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Lighting Design

A business with a well-designed lighting scheme.

We have experience managing large and small lighting projects for industrial, commercial, and residential applications. Fromm can work with you to design your lighting and lighting controls systems from the ground up by helping you create a budget, select parts and pieces, create lighting packages, and bundle your package to bring you the best overall value.

We are comfortable conducting a photometric analysis on an industrial plant floor or suggesting lighting styles for a new restaurant or nightclub downtown.

Meet with Our Lighting Experts

Fromm Named Best Lighting Store in Berks County

Lighting Controls

A holiday lighting display with a control system

More complex applications, such as architectural lighting or entertainment lighting, would require the use of lighting control systems.

Lighting control can be as simple as “washing” the side of a building with color in the evening or more involved with moving light and atmospheric effects such as fog or haze. We stock the latest products from brands like Lutron, Acuity, and Signify, and have the expertise to help with your control needs from initial design and programming to training and maintenance.

Lighting Control Products and Services

Lighting Retrofit

A modern mall with updated LED lighting

We frequently work with customers to upgrade their existing facility or property lighting. There are various reasons why retrofitting your existing lighting can be beneficial, including energy and maintenance savings, worker health and safety concerns, and new technology needs. 

We stock and supply the newest LED and energy-efficient lamps, fixtures, and controls, and we offer energy consumption audits and analysis and photometric studies.

Upgrade Your Facility

Lighting Audits

A newly-upgraded warehouse

Lighting can have a significant impact on a business’s annual electrical costs. Our lighting audit specialists work with customers to perform lighting audits on their facilities and assess the payback that the installation of energy-efficient lighting would provide.

Our audits include documenting facility lighting systems, counting the total number and type of fixtures, and determining how long lighting systems are operational in a normal workweek. The deliverable is a calculation of energy usage and the solutions we can provide to make your facility more efficient.

Contact our team to discuss a baseline facility survey.

Ask Us about a Lighting Audit

Utility Rebates

A worker installs LED lights

Regional electrical providers offer attractive rebates when businesses purchase and install energy-efficient lighting. Understanding how to take advantage of these rebates and properly file the paperwork can be challenging for customers.

Fromm offers a full-time utility rebate specialist dedicated to assisting you. Our specialist conducts energy savings and rebate analysis to determine the payback on your energy-efficient lighting purchase. They complete all the necessary paperwork and work directly with the local utility provider on your behalf. The savings can be significant. Contact us today to learn how you can begin to take advantage of your local utility rebates. 

Energy-Efficiency Services

Emerging Lighting Technologies

Some of today’s biggest advancements in technology are happening in the world of lighting. Our lighting team keeps their finger on the pulse of these advancements and has access to pertinent information and training as soon as it is available from suppliers.


Here are some of the latest technologies that our team is working with and selling:

  • Existing lighting infrastructure being used as a method to deliver Wi-Fi, ping mobile device sensors, and geo-locate customers through apps
  • Power over Ethernet, where light is delivered via Ethernet
  • Wireless lighting systems with full connectivity, allowing for changes in light intensity and color via mobile device apps
  • Lighting control systems utilizing virtual assistants for connectivity with home automation systems
  • Municipal smart street lighting systems that learn over time when to reduce light intensity for energy savings
  • Remote control lighting systems for large commercial facilities

Smart Home Technology

Case Studies


Learn how Fromm helped the Sheraton at Valley Forge improve their guests' experience and receive a rebate that covered a majority of the cost.

Read case study >


Learn how Fromm’s guaranteed quick shipping ensured a faster turnaround time for Star Dust Electric’s customers.

Read case study >